underdarkGIS’s avatarunderdarkGIS’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,599

  1. Movement data in GIS #17: Spatial analysis of GeoPandas trajectories anitagraser.com/2018/12/02/movement-data-in-gis-17-spatial-analysis-of-geopandas-trajectories/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
      I'm computing trajectory segment intersections instead of point-based intersections, therefore, this algorithm includes a point GeoDataframe to line GeoDataframe conversion github.com/anitagraser/qgis-processing-trajectory/blob/master/trajectory.py #GeoPandas #Pandas #Python
      1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
        @geopandas if there are any obvious aspects of the code that can be improved, I'd love to hear about them. Is there any spatial indexing built into GeoPandas?
        1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
          1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
            Added spatial index support and found some other performance issues. Reading from and writing to #QGIS layers seems to take longer than clipping itself