underdarkGIS’s avatarunderdarkGIS’s Twitter Archive—№ 12,997

    1. Awesome: my #MovingPandas paper is already included in this issue: austriaca.at/rootcollection?arp=0x003aba2b The presentation will take place on July 4th at #GI_Forum2019. #MovementDataAnalysis #Python @GI_Forum/1141985863754289152
  1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
    If reviewer 2 says "This is why I like coming to #AGIT and #GI_Forum. State-of-the-art practical solutions that are well resourced and explained." then it's probably worth reading, but of course I'm biased. #GISChat #shamelessplug
    1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS