underdarkGIS’s avatarunderdarkGIS’s Twitter Archive—№ 15,343

        1. Powerful 🐳 #MovementData visualization 👍 However, this thread also highlights data viz / communication challenges 🧵 @ballenaschile/1356703048270249985
      1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
        My interpretation is that the trails / fade-out effects show historic whale/ship locations, scaled and colored by their age. Others may assume different meaning / have a different interpretation: @PaulCrease/1356886922350759936
    1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
      A certain minimum marker size is needed but may be misinterpreted as well: @ggreer/1357024123327639553
  1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
    Leading the audience to potentially underestimate the actual distances between moving objects: @mitomaths/1357002244877647872
    1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
      1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
        In the end, even though there may be issues, this thread also shows why we're doing data visualization for science communication: "I've never felt such empathy for a little dot" @pseudodoxia/1356976639624667137