underdarkGIS’s avatarunderdarkGIS’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,647

  1. Now there's also a tool to add headings to trajectory points! For context: @underdarkGIS/1069262025895886850 #qgis
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
      The latest version supports speed & heading calculations using euclidean or spherical geometry! #Python #Pandas #TrajectoryPandas #QGIS
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
        If you are into #Pandas or #GeoPandas, I'd love to hear feedback on the current implementation of the trajectory class. #Python
        1. …in reply to @underdarkGIS
          The "Trajectories from point layer" tool now creates LineStringMs, so you can apply #QGIS geometry generator magic to visualize speed along the lines. #TrajectoryPandas
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API